Spreading Hope In An Uncertain World

Comfort & Care Ministry


A Haven of Support: Welcome to Comfort and Care

Offering Care in Times of Need and Joy

Welcome to the Comfort and Care Ministry, where compassion meets community. Our ministry is dedicated to providing support and care for our church family during times of illness, bereavement, and joyous occasions like welcoming a new birth. You are not alone in your journey; we are here to walk beside you with open hearts and helping hands.


Dedicated to Being There When You Need Us Most

Active Support, Enduring Presence: Our Mission in Comfort and Care

Our ministry is the embodiment of our church's commitment to compassionate connections. Through various services, we aim to be a source of comfort and support, actively present in the lives of our members when they need us most. Whether you're facing challenges or celebrating new beginnings, our ministry is here to offer care and assistance.

Illness Support

Offering care and support for those experiencing short or long-term illnesses.

Disaster Relief

Internal Hope collaborates with leading Christian organizations to offer support and relief to those affected by disasters, through donations and essential assistance.

Flood 1

Compassionate Connections

Building strong, supportive relationships within our church family.

Volunteer Opportunities

Inviting church members to join our efforts in providing care and support.

Victorious Assisten Living